Yes, it is true. After a very long set of negotiations, we here at Lieware have finally been accepted as official IndoMed, Weight-B-Gone, Tapeworm Diet Pill resellers. The wait is over! For all of you who have been emailing and messaging us I am sorry that it took this long, […]
The Love Bug, scientific name Plecia nearctica. While the Love Bug is more commonly known for the havoc it wreaks on speeding motorist, recently scientists have discovered that these pesky little insects may be the new gateway drug. The discovery was made by Dr. Wendy Thorton, head of research for the […]
Through recent studies into the properties of cat cartilage brought forth by the research teams which developed the bonsai kitty, and the teams of researchers who are conducting experiments regarding human cartilage growth procedures, medical researchers have come together and have determined a new and innovative way to develop more […]
As of Monday, January 16th several brothels in the Nevada area will now be accepting PayPal as a form of payment. Legal brothels are never located within major cities of Nevada for it is against the law. Prostitution is only legal in certain counties within Nevada. State law forbids legal […]